Renovation of 2x Francis turbines 2.1 MW + 0.9 MW, upgrade of bridge lift, Supply and installation of bypass dissipation valve complete with hydraulic regulator

Renovation of aggregate 1 2.1 MW
- Restoration of the turbine, rotor
- Changing the shaft
- Changing the bearings
- Installation of a new 2.1 MV, 10 kV generator
- Installation of a new cooling system
- Restoration of the hydraulic unit
- Restoration of the front turbine valve
Renovation of aggregate 2 0.9 MW
- Restoration of the turbine, rotor
- Changing the shaft
- Changing the bearings
- Installation of a new 0.9 MV, 10 kV generator
- Installation of a new cooling system
- Restoration of the hydraulic unit
- Restoration of the front turbine valve

Supply and installation of bypass dissipation valve complete with hydraulic regulator.

Overhead lift upgrade.

SIAPRO d.o.o.
Постая, 9
5216, Мост на Сочи
Словения, Европа

Тел: +386 5 3841 632

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